Welp, big news this week. After being A/Chief of Protocol for the last month, I found out this week my boss is not returning and I've been promoted to Chief of Protocol for the duration of my contract. Will I stay in this dust bowl past January? I don't know. I've decided to stop making plans for myself because as the Proverb says Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (19:21)
This past week has proven to me that he is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21 colors and emphasis mine : )
See the chart below for my new orders.

I have also decided not to get my panties in a bunch at 0900 when inevitably there is a calamitous crisis, by staying cool, calm and collected, I've realized that by 1500 the crises was averted and I've received a lot more respect for staying calm and keeping a smile. Amazing Grace!
In the world of weather, it rained today. It was thundering so loud yesterday and amidst the smell of dust, the carried the scent of rain. No dice though. What did roll through was a dust storm (I heard) I was at my desk all day, and though I have a fabulous purple office, no windows. I heard it was disgusting though.
Today, when I heard the thunder roll, I got up from my desk and went outside! It was barely sprinkling on the West side, so I ran across the Rotunda and it was raining lightly on the East side.
My afternoon run was very dusty. I had sand on my teeth and lips and in my eyes and hair...and got caught in a few raindrops!! (like 4, but still, you have to celebrate the elements here)
Me at a recent reception, putting on the finishing touches.