Then there are days when the weather breeds misery. My eyes and throat hurt because the fine sand has cut all orifices I need to breath, I have slept barely 4 hours because I am burning the candle at both ends trying to stay on top of the never ending work load, wishing I had time to go to the gym, eat, socialize and relax with my friends, and I dream of coming home and think NO ONE SHOULD COME HERE, IT'S TOO HARD.
But, no matter how many times my stream of consciousness struggles with the negative, I would not trade this experience or cut it short. My mind always comes back to the fact that I am safe, healthy and happy. I've made a handful of good friends, and even though my beloved girl friends have moved on from Iraq, I still have a wonderful friend down the hall who is supportive and listens to me vent and is always up for any adventure I conjure up.
And, complain as I might that the grass is greener on the other side, I like being busy. And when I'm not busy, I don't know what to do with myself, so I join more organizations and over commit until I am busy again. That is my lot in life: a busy bee. The life of relaxation and luxury is not for me. And that's not unfortunate. I look forward to enjoying time to relax, though inevitably I plan my down time before it arrives.
I have the best job in the Embassy. I plan the time lines of events for the Ambassador! I've decorated his house, I spend time with his wife, I manage a household staff, except for his dog biting me, I can't complain.
I party with foreign Ambassadors and I am planning the BIGGEST CELEBRATION KNOWN TO BAGHDAD! WOOOOO HOOOOO 12 days to go ...

Also, there it is also T minus 23 days until my birthday. Can you believe I'm going to be 25?!?!
Thank you for the postcards and carepackages! I've been coined the girl with "the most beautiful hair in Baghdad" and I'm running out of room on my bulletin board for all the love you're sending me from home. THANK YOU!!!!