4th of July

DFAC Decorations

Cake. Beer. Sno cones. Baghdad String Benders.

And the elusive dunking booth...

NO one could hit that red bulls eye until I got in the hot seat and then EVERY person, girls, guys, everyone dunked me. It was pretty fun.

After the dunking booth, and my shot at a few games, my camera broke : ( which is unfortunate, but my camera had a good run, I've had it for 5 years ) this could limit the amount of pictures I post for the next 34 days.

There was a dodge ball tournament, swimming races, a movie in the pool, 3 point shoot out and volleyball tournament. I had to take a break after watching team Dominance come in 2nd to go deliver toys to some children.

Two years ago, the Rule of Law Coordinator (RoLC) started a tradition of going to the HJC and delivering toys to the Judge's children. It felt surreal and foreign to be surrounded by so many kids. I have not seen so many kids in over a year. I enjoyed my time and the kids were really excited. The minute I arrived though, I started thinking about all the things I wished I would've brought--nail polish, hair brushes--fun girly activities that break any language barrier.

After the HJC, we went to the Marine House for the volley ball tournament. We had a by into the 2nd round, and then we played the team that was the u
ltimate champion. It was a pathetic loss, but in our defense, the team has Ugandan Olympian players, so that being said, we held our own.
Two teammates, Dan and Jesse as we watch the Ugandan Olympia team bump, set and spike.   We were soberly preparing for our quick demise.  Well, I was having a BL