The past 3 weeks have been some of the fastest of my life. The first two, not much to report. Angelina Jolie came to town, the Embassy got grass (sod-the Iraqi way), we had 2 or 3 HORRENDOUS dust storms (which left me praying that Aug 5 would be dust free so I could get out), my roommate took an R&R and I was packing and going through the intense and ridiculously thorough checkout process. All 3 other admin people in my office went on R&R, so I was the Acting Chief of Staff for the past 3 weeks and doing the work of 4 people. The Embassy definitely squeezed every ounce of work possible out of me, but it feels rewarding to go out on a high note. It will make the next few weeks of vacation more savory.
I'm about to board the plane for Jordan. I have a lot of pictures and final thoughts to publish on my blog which I'll post soon. It is surreal. When I disembark the plane in Amman, it will sink in that this tour is complete--but until then, I'm not going to jinx myself.
This is a picture of the Deputy Rule of Law Coordinator presenting me with an award at the farewell my office threw for me on my last day.