Home sweet home

I was tempted to get homesick today. Talking on the phone with my mom I got a little emotional, but managed to pull it together before putting a huge damper on her day (I hope). I’m sure it’s just all the dust….

Right as I hung up with my mom, Joel Osteen’s encouraging email of the day came through. The word was: For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19)

I got encouraged. I am back in Iraq for another pivotal time in world history. Are you seeing in the papers the notice of troop withdrawal the president had intended for the end of this year? It’s all in negotiation: the exact draw down date and what that will mean for the intense amount of support the US government and military have functioning here 24/7; it’s all happening here.

By the end of the evening, I was counting my blessings with T as we walked together. I am so grateful for all the support and encouragement I’m receiving from family, friends and former colleagues. Even leaving at a moments notice, my boss in LA wished me well. With love, support and prayer, what more could a girl ask for?

Still, there’s no place like home.

Though you may find it equally hysterical that my home away from home address is at the corner of Pennsylvania Ave and Hollywood Blvd, like some paradoxical intersection of former seasons of my life.

Below are pictures of my humble abode.